Anyways, of all the songs I've written this is probably the one I hate the least (tied with another, actually) because it actually conveyed how cool of an experience I had with this little baby. Long story short, I met a baby when his mama was preg - so I suppose I didn't technically meet him, but I kinda did - and didn't know if he would make it out of the womb. A friendship was forged between me and the mama and she was having such a tough time and I didn't know how to help or what to do. I was 18 and living away from home for the first time and I was just clueless how to help my friend with her problems that were so much deeper than "omigod my ex-boyf added me on fb, wat do i do, sarah??"
The end of the story is happy though. I ran into the mama and the now 2 month old baby boy at a restaurant last November and I got to hold this little angel I'd been praying about and thinking about since I'd lost contact with the mama. It was too awesome. Anyways... shout out to my awesome webcam that does so great matching up video & sound!