Here's a taste of what is coming up in my pro-life life!
an article to finish
a phone date soon
a coffee date Friday
an article to begin
a form to get filled out to achieve organization status on campus
a banquet to volunteer in Austin
a meeting to brainstorm
a meeting to plan events
a meeting to choose a venue for an event
a meeting to educate
a benefit to attend in Houston
a benefit to volunteer in Austin
a form to fill out to be in the quad
an event to plan to bake 1,000 cupcakes
a day to distribute cupcakes
a cause to be fundraised for
a maternity home walk to support by said funds
a million emails to reply to
a million emails to reply to
*throw in a dozen more meetings and some more articles and a few more cupcakes and that's pretty much the rest of my semester. LOL! I'm not complaining. I'm not. Just assessing my schedule; trying to brace myself for everything that is about to hit. I'm blessed to have so many opportunities to fill the pages of my agenda and the entries of this blog.
Oh and by the way, in the next few weeks I will be volunteering 7ish hours a week at an emergency children's shelter. SO excited! SO scared I will not ever sleep anymore with everything going on. I seriously think it'll be a really great though.